Letting Your Lawn Breathe: 8 Benefits of Lawn Aeration in Plano, Texas


March 04, 2021


benefits of lawn aeration

Are you struggling to maintain an even, green lawn? If the heat is playing havoc with your grass and your regular maintenance is not helping, you need up your game. You need to consider lawn aeration. 

Lawn aeration can increase the flow of nutrients to your soil and shoots. Below, we give 8 must-know benefits of lawn aeration. 

What Is Lawn Aeration?

Lawn aeration is a process in which small holes are placed into the soil. This allows a greater flow of air to the root system, providing a steady supply of the nutrients a lawn needs to grow. It is often known as core aeration.

There are a number of ways in which lawn aeration can be conducted. The simplest of these is simply using a fork to prick the surface of the lawn. However, there are a number of machines, both large and small, to facilitate quicker and easier aeration with a more even spread of holes. 

After aeration, a lawn will contain a series of small plugs and holes. Within a fortnight, they will have vanished completely and allowed increased airflow to your lawn. Around a week after aeration, you should be able to look into them and see the formation of new roots and shoots, showing the aeration is working effectively. 

1. Improves Your Turf

The warm Plano climate makes it extremely tough to keep any turf looking fresh and green. For this reason, you need to give the lawn every bit of encouragement and nourishment you can. Lawn aeration provides this increase of oxygen to your turf. 

By opening small holes, the root zones have more exposure not just to oxygen, but water and any fertilizers or products you may have applied. As these are penetrating at the root, it will provide a much healthier-looking all-round blade of grass. 

2. Relieves Compaction of the Soil

One cause of a lack of nutrients in our soil system is compacted soil. Soil that is pushed down and does not have room to move does not allow oxygen, water, and fertilizer to reach the root system. This results in undernourished and pallid or weak grass. 

Aerating your lawn decreases the density of the soil, loosening it up. As more nutrients can flow to the roots, grass will grow thicker. You should also notice fewer dead patches or grass and spots of discolored or dead grasses. 

3. Reduces Thatch

Thatch is a layer of organic material that forms on the surface of the soil. It forms from dead and living shoots, roots, and stems. This results in an almost fabric-like layer of grass at the base of a lawn. 

Thatch occurs when turf begins to produce debris faster than it is broken down. Around 25% of most thatch contains a substance called lignin. This is extremely hard for microorganisms to break down, and it needs to be removed from the lawn in another way. 

Too much thatch stops your lawn from getting the water and oxygen it needs. Lawn aeration introduces oxygen to more parts of the thatch, allowing extra microorganisms to the under layer of thatch. This helps break it down quicker, as well as allowing more water to flow into the lawn underneath. 

4. Prepares Grass for Coming Seasons

Your grass will begin to go dormant in the cooler winter months. It is a good idea to keep it well fed before it does, to sustain it through the months ahead. Aerating before this occurs allows it more access to the nutrients it desires and needs. 

When spring arrives, you should do this for the same reason. This time, however, your lawn is more likely to need sustaining in the heat of the Texas summer. Water and nutrients can become scarce quickly in the heat, so feeding it before the season begins ensures efficiency.

5. Increases Seed Success

If you are seeding an existing lawn, you should consider lawn aeration both before and after the process. Doing so creates a much more moist soil environment. This is much more conducive to the cultivation of seed growth. 

With aerated soil, seedlings can also have more protection. As the soil is loosened and less compact, it creates more nooks to protect seeds from animals and creatures that seek it as food. 

6. Benefits of Lawn Aeration When Changing Soil PH

Some soils in Texas can reach quite extreme levels. This makes it hard to grow certain plants and flowers on them, and this can include lawn. This results in a need to change the PH level of the soil. 

This can be done using lime or sulfur. Aerating your lawn allows these substances to penetrate deeper into the ground, providing a wider, more rounded coverage. This should be done before the application of the substances used to change the PH level. 

7. Reduces Run-Off

If you find that heavy rain is producing puddling or large levels of runoff, lawn aeration could be a help. This generally signifies that water is not being absorbed into the soil itself. Creating holes lets water flow in and through the lawn. 

8. Increases the Success of Fertilizers

When applying any fertilizers, herbicide, or product to encourage growth, you should consider aerating your lawn. Once again, it creates holes in the soil and loosens any compaction. This allows the products to penetrate deeper into the root system, increasing their effectiveness. 

Hire a Professional

Now you know the benefits of lawn aeration, you should consider hiring a professional to assist. They will be able to check your lawn and decide upon the best course of action, advising on any treatments or changes that may go alongside lawn aeration. 

Green Lawn Fertilizing should be your first stop when looking for lawn care. We are a family-owned, local company in the Plano area. Contact us and discuss your needs, so we can begin restoring your lawn starting today.