8 Important Lawn Care Tips for People Living in Texas


January 12, 2021


Texas weather can be intense and unpredictable. From hot weather to extremely dry or wet conditions, your Texas lawn can take a beating. 

Do you want to be the envy of the neighbors with a lush lawn? If so, you don’t have to let the intense Texas weather prevent you from having that beautiful lawn.

Here are some lawn care tips to make your lawn as beautiful as possible.

1. Mow Properly

You may want to mow your grass shorter, so you don’t have to cut it as much. But, grass that is cut too short is prone to brutal environmental elements and will likely turn brown more quickly. In Texas, the summers are hot and dry, so it’s essential to watch how much you cut to avoid burnout.

When you cut your grass, you should only cut about one-third of your grass height at a time. True, you will probably have to mow more frequently—especially in the early spring or early fall. But, your grass will stay greener longer.

Don’t leave large amounts of clippings on your lawn. These clippings can suffocate your healthy grass. The grass will not be able to get sun, oxygen, or nutrients with grass clippings on top.

You should also figure out what type of grass you have. Common types of lawns in Texas include:

  • Bermuda
  • St. Augustine
  • Zoysia

Each of these grows best at different heights, so it’s time to do your research. Mow Bermuda grass to about two inches, and mow Zoysia to about one and a half or three inches. St. Augustine grass needs to be a little longer, and you can mow it to about two and a half to four inches.

2. Provide Enough Water

It would help if you also watered all year in Texas for healthy grass and soil. In the winter, water once a week, and two to three times weekly in the warmer weather months.

Remember, too much water can also be harmful. If you over-water, your lawn can get a disease.

It’s best to water in the early morning. This allows the moisture to evaporate in the sun if the soil didn’t absorb it. If water sits on your lawn overnight, your lawn is susceptible to fungal disease.

You also want to water for long periods, so the water gets deep into the soil. The roots will grow deeper to chase the water. Deeper roots create healthier turf.

3. Control the Weeds

You need to start to control weeds before they appear. Starting weed control in the early spring is vital to keeping the weeds under control. You want to start with a pre-emergent weed control that eliminates weeds before they sprout.

You will need to continue treatments to minimize the weeds like crabgrass. Pre-emergent and post-emergent applications work together for a complete fight against weeds.

Or, you can work with experts to create a plan for weed control and custom lawn care. Weeds will choke out your grass, so it’s best to keep them away for a healthy, lush lawn.

4. Fertilize, Fertilize, Fertilize

You may think you don’t need to do anything in the winter for your grass, but that is wrong. You want to be consistent with your fertilizer applications even during the Texas cold season. 

Your lawn needs ongoing nutrition to be healthy, and that means each year. By fertilizing your lawn year-round, you prevent lawn regression. With regression, weeds can pop up along with other issues in the week spots.

Before you fertilize, check out the weather forecast. Look for moderate temperatures where there are periods of little rain. 

It would be best if you considered watering a day or two before you fertilize. You want the grass to be a little damp before you put down the application, but you don’t want to overwater because it can dilute the fertilizer and remove critical nutrients.

Manufacturers create fertilizers for each season, so be sure to figure out the best schedule that fits the right season.

5. Treat Disease Immediately

If you see any areas of lawn struggling, you need to address them immediately. Check for thin or matted turf along with brown spots. These are all signs of struggling grass that may have a disease. 

By treating them early, you can reduce the spread and help your lawn recover and grow strong.

6. Watch and Treat for Pests

In addition to monitoring for disease, you should also watch for pests. Fire ants can build a mound anywhere in your yard in Texas, so keep your eyes open as you mow to avoid any bites.

If you spot any issues in your lawn, it’s best to talk to professionals who have experience in identifying and managing these issues.

7. Aerate Your Lawn

To take your lawn to the next level, you want to aerate your lawn. This process loosens the compacted soil to help strengthen the root system of your lawn. Allowing air to circulate to the roots creates a much healthier lawn.

Pulling these soil plugs gives your grass roots room to grow. It can also help your lawn get the fertilizer treatments.

It’s best to aerate your Texas lawn in late spring. You can also overseed your yard along with aeration in the early spring or fall to fill in any sparse areas.

8. Keep Your Lawn Clean

It’s crucial to stay on top of spring and fall cleaning. Rake up twigs, branches, and leaves. The debris in your lawn is a favorite habitat for many pests and fungi. 

Get the Best Lawn Care Today

It’s essential to address all areas of your lawn, including the soil, roots, and nutrients. By caring for your lawn, you need to fertilize and water regularly. 

Follow these tips to have the best lawn on your block.

If you want lawn care professionals to help with services like pest control, weed control, aeration, and fertilizer treatment, contact us today for help getting your dream lawn with seasonal lawn care. You will be the envy of your neighbors.