The average American homeowner spends roughly 70 hours a year caring for their lawns, yards, and gardens. That’s a lot of time, yet caring for your lawn results in a nice-looking yard.
Lawn care involves mowing, trimming, and many other steps. But do you ever wish your yard looked nicer?
If you want a nicer yard, you might need to learn more about the best lawn care tips to improve your lawn.
Here is a guide that includes four essential tips to help you care for your lawn this summer.
1. Keep Your Yard Hydrated
The first thing you should do is to keep your grass hydrated. While this seems like a no-nonsense yard care tip, many homeowners fail to water their grass.
Additionally, watering it at the right time is vital, and many homeowners choose the wrong time. The best time to water grass is in the early morning or evening hours.
Watering it when the sun is shining directly on it will only scorch your grass, so you should aim for a time when the sun isn’t out.
Secondly, you should water it daily when it’s hot outside. However, you can skip days when it rains.
2. Avoid Cutting Your Grass Too Short
Next, you should avoid cutting your grass too short. Instead, it would help if you left it at least 2 1/2 to 3 inches tall.
You might think that cutting it shorter leads to cutting it less frequently. However, you won’t see any lawn improvement if you cut it so short. Your grass dies faster when shorter, especially when it’s hot outside.
You can hire a company for lawn services if you prefer to let someone else handle this task. They’ll cut it the right length and cut it when needed.
3. Apply Weed Control
The next thing to focus on is eliminating the weeds in your yard. Weeds grow quickly and won’t go away with the proper steps.
Unfortunately, many people don’t know what types of products to use for this problem or when to use them.
If you need help with weed control, contact a yard landscaping company. They’ll choose the best products and apply them for you as needed.
4. Treat the Pests
Finally, you must treat the pests in your yard. Bugs can destroy a yard, and you must treat them to avoid this issue. For example, you might have Japanese beetles, which are highly destructive.
Treating the pests is one of the most important landscaping tips to follow. If you do this, you’ll have a nicer yard.
Follow These Lawn Care Tips for a Great Yard
If you want a great-looking yard, you might want to follow these lawn care tips. These tips are simple yet helpful. However, you can contact a professional if you need help with your lawn.
At Green Lawn, we offer lawn care services in the Rockwall, TX area. We can help you with all your yard tasks, helping you improve the way your lawn looks. Contact us today to learn more.